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The original code I wrote for the 14 days contest:. charlasarbs fpl2a8f7a4b
The original code I wrote for the 14 days contest:. charlasarbs fpl2a8f7a4b
The original code I wrote for the 14 days contest:. tigre201 c8f80031c
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Usando o próprio PlayerPrefs já para acessar informações. irato ad14e1e2b1
Enter your email address to subscribe. The Doctor regenerates into a new version of the Doctor.. foxtwenty[ jha 091d426d9
**2 + 0 + 1/3*a**3. Calculate u(s(v)).
Let o(v) = -2*v**2. Let y(b) = -b**2 + 22*b. Let i(c) = -c**2 + 2*c. Let p(w) = -6*i(w) + y(w). Determine p(o(k)).
-4*k**4 + 44*k**2
Let t(f) = 6*f**2. Let u(l) = -31*l**2 - 33*l + 33. Let c(v) = 6*v**2 + 6*v - 6. Let a(r) = -33*c(r) - 6*u(r). What is t(a(k))?
Let r(b) = -b + 1. Let t(k) = -2*k**2 + 4*k - 4. Let j(q) = 4*r(q) + t(q). Let n(f) = -16*f**2. Determine n(j(h)).
Let v(u) = -2*u**2. Let d(g) = 28 be359ba680
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